An International Award ceremony that acknowledges and celebrates individuals
and organisations who are contributing positively and doing well in various industries like Art, Science and Entrepreneurs.


Sun, April 21
Shining stars award 2024 nomination
Wed, May 15
Shining stars award 2024 selection
Sat, Aug 03
Shining stars award 2024 ceremony
Sandton Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa

Recognize and celebrate outstanding individuals and organizations

The awards are designed to recognize and celebrate outstanding individuals and organizations in music, entrepreneurship, science, arts and agriculture who have made remarkable contributions in their respective fields.

The award is open to anyone from African countries regardless of age or gender as long as they have impacted positively on the continent’s development within the last year.

We believe that this initiative will give recognition to those deserving people whose efforts often go unnoticed but play a significant role in developing our nation’s economy through their works . We also hope it will inspire others by showcasing these great achievers so that they too can become shining stars one day!

So don’t wait any longer , nominate yourself or someone you know for an award today at

Uniquely designed and manufactured for the Shinning Stars  inception!

It signifies the prestige that comes with being a winner of the peak industry awards program.

